Winter wedding
We love the outdoors. We love the cold weather. We love the winter. And we sure love a beautiful winter wedding.
One of the things that gives Isabel joy is to put some good clothes on and go outside to feel the cold on her face. it’s always a struggle to get her to close her window when we’re driving somewhere because she just loves the feeling of the cold air in her face!
And by the way, Portugal definitely isn’t considered a cold country, but we sure have some cold days. And the wedding of Inês and João happened in one of those days. We were almost at the end of October and somehow the days were getting colder and colder as the weeks went by. But being with them in this gorgeous place made everything just perfect.
Palácio de São Marcos – a gorgeous venue just perfect for a winter wedding
The venue chosen by them was one of our favorites, specially in our home town. Palácio de São Marcos is located in a small town near Coimbra, just 15km from our home, and we’re always so happy to shoot there. The monastery from the fifteenth century, the chapel where weddings are celebrated and the surrounding gardens make it one of a kind. Besides this, we were to team up with our friends Sandra and Miguel from Atmosphere Photography and Daniel from Prometo Amar-te, who once again was taking care of all the details for the wedding day. We’re always 100% positive that days with these vendors are going to be great because we it’s not our first rodeo together!
Being from Coimbra, it’s inevitable that we would have some friends in common and when we met for the first time for a coffee and a beer we were discussing exactly that. Inês is a veterinarian and despite we’re being both biologists, we didn’t have anyone in common. But one of their friends had worked with me in our lab so we soon found that we were having some cool people around.
Besides this, I only discovered on their wedding day that João’s father was a teacher where I was getting my PhD as well. I spent most of my time during the PhD in the Pharmacy Faculty of University of Coimbra, and João’s father was always a nice and friendly face to see around and have a good chat. We love to know new people and discover new things, but there’s always a good feeling to hang out with known faces!
The way his family treated us could only be a good sign of what was coming during the day. After the getting ready part for the groom we headed to Palácio de São Marcos since Inês was getting ready there. They sure made our work easier because all day was full of emotions and love between them and their friends and families. We are super happy to be part of their day and to give them these kind of memories.
All day was super amazing, and please watch the video to see them cutting the cake. That huge hall in the palace is beautiful but Daniel really made it next level with the decor. Because this time of the day doesn’t need to be outside with fireworks to be beautiful, everything was perfectly placed to create a mood around that time. And it was epic with all guests sending confetti from the top level. We were so stoked about it!
Hope you too enjoy this winter wedding. We sure did!
This is “in . jo . Winter Wedding at Palácio São Marcos”.